Note, this article particularly pertains to overhead garage doors and garage door springs. The bottom line is that it is very important to have a balanced garage door. You really don’t want your garage door to malfunction and say… fall off its tracks and onto your or your car. We are talking about serious injury, death, and major property damage that could cost you in the thousands of dollars. It is recommended that you do a balance check of your garage door once annually. This means once a year, at least. This check will show if your garage door is off balance and if it is because of your garage door springs. It is highly recommended that you do this if your garage door has an electric opener.
Wait, What Do Garage Door Springs Do?
So there is a lot that goes into your garage door working properly. From garage door rollers and tracks to garage door springs. All these moving parts make it possible for your garage door to open and close every time you need it to. So, what do the garage door springs do exactly? They counter the garage door’s weight due to gravity. This allows normal people to open and close garage doors. It is also very important for electric garage door openers. Can you imagine opening your garage door without springs? Yeah, your garage door opener won’t last long either. Anyways, your garage door springs are usually mounted either towards the back of the garage, or towards the front just above the garage door frame.
No Tools Necessary
So how do you test the balance of your garage door? The good news is that this task requires no tools. That leaves just one question, how do you check it? Well, a balanced garage door is one that does not make any excess sound or noise. If you do not have a garage door opener, you are likely well aware when your garage door is off-balance. If you do, simply pull the manual chord and try to move the garage door that way. If it stays generally in the same place, your garage door is off balance. This is, again, very bad for your garage door opener. It is very important to get that garage door balanced again before your garage door opener gives out. That definitely will cost you more money than having it balanced.
Do Not Try This At Home
No, really, don’t balance your garage door by yourself. This task requires a professional touch or someone might end up seriously hurt or killed. The garage door springs either need to be rebalanced or replaced and that is not a job for the average joe. That is why you call The Garage Door Club at (213) 769-1370 for garage door balancing. We can handle this simple (for us) task in minutes and not charge you an arm or a leg. We can not stress this enough; hire a professional. If not us then someone else who is, but do not do it yourself. If you have any other questions or concerns, just give The Garage Door Club a call.