Some people like to stay in and have a quiet night on Halloween. That is not the case with homeowner Amanda Destro Pierson. She is also a local artist in the Cleveland area. Some people go with spooky smoke and spider webs. She decided to turn her garage into a monster with incredibly sharp looking teeth and a pair of scary eyes above them. It might not be the most terrifying thing you have ever seen, but it is still very creative. In a way, it is better than traditional Halloween Decor because it is unique and you do not see it every Halloween.
Mrs. Pierson actually went to the trouble of hand painting it all and cutting out every piece by hand. Not too many folks would go that far for Halloween, anymore. It is great to see that some still have the old Halloween Night spirit. She currently works for a company that comes up with new arts and crafts designs. From her inspiration, they will be selling Halloween kits to do this next Halloween.
Internet Fame For The Monster Garage Door
She may live in Cleveland, Ohio but she and her house are now known around the world. People as far away as New Zealand viewed her Monster Garage on social media sites like Facebook and Youtube. So far, the pictures and videos have amassed twenty-four million views! It is safe to say that her company factored this into whether they would sell Halloween kits to do this next Halloween or not. It has definitely inspired some other people to get more creative next Halloween.
How Can You Get Creative With Your Garage?
Well, it may not be the safest idea to do a haunted walk through your garage. However, think of a giant spider in the middle of your dark garage with black lights and glow in the dark spider web around it. It is ideas of that nature that keep the Halloween spirit going really strong. Kids these days have no idea what Halloween really used to be. It wasn’t just a night to walk around and get free candy. The older generations actually saw things that excited or scared them. After how dull last Halloween was for most of us, we could really use some excitement for the next one.
If you want to follow Mrs. Pierson’s lead, just get creative. However, it is wise to keep things safe. Make sure that our home and property are ready for Halloween. Pick up your yard before putting down decorations. Clean surfaces off that you intend to use. The whole nine yards. That way, everyone has a great Halloween.
Make Sure Your Garage Door Is In Good Condition First
Clark’s Garage Door & Gate Repair is just a quick phone call away at (877) 225-9989. We can make sure your garage door is working smoothly and works great before Halloween or any other busy holiday. We offer premium garage door repair and installation services at affordable prices for everyone.